So this week was eventful! on Monday after emails we went and contacted we got yelled at my first time all we got to say was we are missio/ and he cut in and yelled at us in Korean so it wasn't that bad because I had no idea what he was saying! But Monday all we did was contacting all day so that was great! Tuesday we meet with the sisters and went to 하나시 which is about 20 mins away on bus. so we did street boarding for a few hours and the people there were super nice because they don't see foreigners as much! after that we split upon and did a few more hours of contacting. we travel allot by bus and subway! we spend about 50 dollars every 2 weeks on travel cost! we do allot of our contacting at intersections and just causally talk to every one! but that night we meet up as a district and had dinner at an area 70's house he wasn't there it was his daughter that made us a big meal of spaghetti, bulgogi, and rice!! it was super difficult eating spaghetti with chopsticks! then after dinner she went and bought us ice-cream! On Wednesday we meet up for lunch as a district before district meeting we had lunch at Ashley's a nice American buffet, we enjoyed fresh salad and my new favorite thing Hawaiian fruit salad! after district meeting we contacted and went to English class! we talked about how people react in stressful situations! but one of the students found out my name was German so he went off talking about German beer, German food, and he repeated that he loves beer like every other sentence! On Thursday we had our p day we went to the temple in the Seoul
mission! i was able to meet up with other missionaries from my last district so that was nice! we then went with the sisters to gang-nam and enjoyed some tacos at this Mexican restaurant! we walked around Gang-nam for a few hours we went shopping in the subway markets but we couldn't find any men's stores everything was for lady's! which Korea is the place for lady's who loves clothes and shoes because every other store is a shoe store! on Friday we did weekly planning which was fast because we have no investigator to plan for! but we then went and contacted for a while then meet up with our district to get some pizza school! the guy that works there loves us so he gives us any thing in the mini fridge for free which we feel bad taking things we just grab a small soda every time! we then went back to the church and practiced our singing performance for Saturday! on Saturday we went to the church early and cleaning the baptismal font and got everything ready! we then had English class! we talked about education and then talking about America and guns! haha all the people in my class call me John F. Kennedy because they think I look just like him!! English class is one of the best ways for us to get investigators so we do English class allot. we have some one who we are going to meet with soon so hopefully we will have an investigator soon! but the after noon we had an amazing 침례 식 (baptizmal service) we had people talk about baptism and then we preformed our sound! ( I need thee every hour) and she was baptized!! we had food after! Koreans love food which every thing is centered around food! we are constantly being feed which is good! but I am gaining weight though!! after the service we had young men's and young women's we played spoons, card games and had Korean snacks! Sunday we had church then after we played contacting bingo with the sisters we made a bingo board of people who you could see on the street like some one wearing a red hat, or some one working out etc. so we did that for a couple hours! the sisters one of course! but it was super fun doing that because we were super excited to talk to every one! then that night we went to a members house and they made a bunch of food for us! my ward loves me because I love Korean food! i have been able to eat every thing I have been given so far! but after dinner we talked about there missions and they showed us photos of their mission and after we gave them a quick message! I love being in Korea, I love the people, the food, the culture! i feel really blessed to be out here! I love you all! have a Good week!
-Elder Grossgebauer!
downtown gangnam! I didn't see psy:(