하피 빨린틴스 여로분!!! also happy birthday DAD!!!
"the most important of the lords work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own homes."- Harold B. Lee 회장님
I want to say thanks to my dad for being the greatest! I love you dad!
Korean church culture: after church on Sunday we all set up tables and the sisters prepare a ton of Korean food in the kitchen and we all set down and eat food together as a ward! it is super nice because you can socialize with each other for an hour! I would suggest it for the ward back at home but here in Korea you only have to feed about 20-30 people and at home you would have to feed up to 100-300! haha I love the Korean culture! its allot to take in but I'm trying my hardest to be Korean!
So this week has been kind of tough in Korea! opening up a new area is pretty difficult! it is also kinda difficult when we don't have a phone! it broke last week so we have been waiting for a new one all week and last night we got a new one which is a nice touch screen phone! which we are not sure if we were supposed to get it! because we had to meet some lady who switched the cards in the phones and installed everything and that was the phone she gave us! but we don't have a charger for it so we got today to use it! We have been street contacting a lot! hopefully we can get some investigators soon! I haven't taught my first lesson yet but I want to give one super bad! but things are going great for my ward right now! the sisters in my district are awesome they have 3 baptisms lined up!! this week we have been visiting a lot of inactive people with the sisters! also when people feed us they feed us! I haven't eat this much in my whole life! so far I have gained 5lbs! Now we are going to start focusing on the ward a little more because the ward rely on us for almost everything! we do all the cleaning in the church, we open the church, etc.. so we are going to figure some plan for the next 4 months that we could strengthen the ward! we also want to get a lot of the in active people back to church!
So English class is the best we have about 25 people that come and I'm teaching the advanced class so we have about 10 people coming to that class this week we talked about money and how we can get rich because jack writes a essay each week so we read and discuss it! but we ended up talking about this kid named celvin who is going to school at uvu and he is back in Korea working and saving money so we talked about him a lot because he comes from a super rich family but now he is on his own so we talked a lot about rich people and there kids! ( by the way those are their English names!) but today isn't are p-day because we get to go to the temple on Thursday! but we still get to email for an hour! but this week I didn't take very many photos because we have been busy all week!
I love you all! -Elder Grossgebauer!
This is the market we walk through to get to church!
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